Wheelchair Accessibility and DDA Compliance

INAPOD-ACCESS PODS are available in a configuration that complies with the Australian Standards AS1428.1 (Design for Access & Mobility), Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act (DDA), Commonwealth Disability Standards 2010 (Premises Standards), Building Code of Australia (BCA) to allow wheelchair access.

ACAA* Accredited EQUAL ACCESS Certification. (*Association of Consultants in Access Australia)

Equal Access Report Here

Australian Standard AS 1428-1 - 2009

Australian Standard AS 1428-2 - 1992

Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA)

Commonwealth Disability (Access to Premises – Buildings) Standards 2010 (Premises Standards)

Building Code of Australia 2019 Volume One Amendment 1 (BCA)

Australian Standard AS 1428.1:2009 – Design for access and mobility, Part 1: General requirements for access – New building work (AS 1428.1)

These Standards describe basic minimum technical details for accessible buildings.

The ACAA Accredited Equal Access Group have been engaged to perform a Technical Assessment of the INAPODS against the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (as amended) and associated Legislation. ACAA Accredited Equal Access Certification Report Here

The Building Code of Australia (BCA) and Disability (Access to Premises—Buildings) Standards (Premises Standards) provides information on which classes of buildings are to be made accessible and prescribes the specific areas within those buildings where access must be provided. The BCA and Premises Standards refer to this Standard and other Standards as a means of compliance with the deemed-to satisfy access provisions of the BCA and Premises Standards.

INAPODS come with a low floor threshold so that they allow as unobstructed access as possible. For wheelchair users a shallow wheelchair ramp and other accessibility features are included.

Number of Access Pods?

Where acoustic office pods are provided, we suggest providing 5% of the installation with one accessible pod. (Source: According to AND data, one in six people (17.1%) use a mobility aid, and only 4.4% of those with disability in Australia use a wheelchair.)

Access Pod Design Parameters

Access Pods

Access Pod - M-POD Standard, M-POD Large & M-POD Max

Equipped with : Electric Automatic Door Opener, Access Ramp, Structural Strength Steel Construction, 10mm Laminated Glass, USB Connection, A/C Power Connection Inside, Data Cat6 Ethernet Connection, 12 x 2 Speed Ventilation Fans, Motion Sensor, Dimmable LED Strip Lighting.

M-POD Standard Internal Size: 2920w x 2200d x 2000h,

M-POD Large Internal Size 3920w x 2200d x 2000h,

M-POD Max internal size 4920w x 2200d x 2000h

Access Pod - D-POD

Equipped with : Electric Automatic Door Opener, Access Ramp, Structural Strength Steel Construction, 10mm Laminated Glass, USB Connection, A/C Power Connection Inside, Data Cat6 Ethernet Connection, 4 x 2 Speed Ventilation Fans, Motion Sensor, Dimmable LED Strip Lighting.

Internal Size: 2000w x 1120d x 2000h


Laminated Meeting Table,

Electric Height Adjustable Desk

M-POD TV Monitor Stand


ACAA Accredited Equal Access Certification Report Here

Equal Access Group

The Equal Access Group is one of Australia’s leading DDA Universal Design and Disability Access and Egress Consultancies. Their key personnel are accredited with the Association of Consultants in Access Australia Inc (ACAA) and provide a specialist consulting service throughout Australia and internationally to enhance the built environment and to provide “Equal Access” for members of the community with a disability.
